Canker sores (commonly known in Tagalog as Singaw) are painful sores inside the mouth. It is painful, to say the least, and makes us difficult in eating and talking.
There is still no definite study yet as to what exactly causes "Singaw", but it is believed that stress, minor injury to the inside of the mouth, acidic fruits and vegetables, and spicy foods can trigger the development of it.
Canker Sores usually last for at least two days to weeks depending on the severity of the case. It is not dangerous nor life-threatening. In fact, this medical condition can be healed without the aid of medicine.
Some of the traditional ways of curing “Singaw” is by applying “Tawas” on its surface. This is painful experience. There are people who say this cures their “Singaw”. However, this is NOT true. Their testimony is simply anecdotal or placebo effect at best. As previously mentioned, the "Singaw" can heal by itself. So probably, what happened is purely coincidental.
It is always good to consult a doctor or medical professional regarding any medical condition. They usually prescribe cream, ointment, or painkillers to mitigate the condition.
As for my personal experience, I have tried this very effective solution. I am referring to the Canker Mouth Sore Solution that can be bought online at Shopee. For some reason, this is not available in major drug stores in the Philippines.
If you want to try this, you can buy it from this LINK. You can get this item for as low as Php 90 ONLY.
This Canker Mouth Sore Solution is being manufactured by JVR Industries in Talisay City, Cebu.
It is very small at 4mL, yet very effective.
To use it, just wet a piece of cotton using the solution and gently put it on the surface of the “Singaw” for at least 20 seconds. Then gargle with water and spit it out. A word of caution, this is not recommended for children.
After that, you’ll experience great relief.
Thanks for reading this article.
I hope you learn something.
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